Richie JS version 1.1.4 🚀

FAQ (FAQPage, Question, Answer)

What is FAQ?

An FAQ page includes a series of questions and answers related to a specific topic. When correctly formatted, these pages might qualify for a rich result in Search and an Action on Google Assistant, enhancing your site's visibility and helping it connect with the appropriate audience.

Kindly Refer Google Doc (opens in a new tab) to know more about FAQ rich result.

What are necessary data for FAQ rich result?

1. FAQ Wrapper

<details class="rjs-faq">
  <summary class="question">
    <!--removed for brevity -->
  <p class="answer">
    <!--removed for brevity -->

2. Question

<details class="rjs-faq">
  <summary class="question">
    Can you provide a content management system (CMS) that allows me to
    update the website easily?
  ........<!-- reduced for brevity -->

3. Answer

<details class="rjs-faq">
  ......<!-- reduced for brevity -->
  <p class="answer">
    Certainly! We take pride in crafting custom <b>Content Management
    Systems (CMS) tailored</b> exclusively to your requirements.

Function and parameters

By default input file is overwriiten with result so destination is optional
This is only for API method. We prefer CLI method for keeping it simpler (refer - Working with API & CLI).
const richResultType = 'faq';
const filePath = 'faq.html';
const destination = 'dist/faq.html'; /* optional */
richie(richResultType, filePath, destination);

Example of a Instance

  <!-- FAQ-1 -->
	<details class="rjs-faq">
      <summary class="question">
        Can you provide a content management system (CMS) that
        allows me to update the website easily?
      <p class="answer">
        <b>Certainly! We take pride in crafting custom Content Management
          Systems (CMS) tailored exclusively to your requirements.</b>
          <!-- reduced for brevity -->
  <!-- FAQ-2 -->
	<details class="rjs-faq">
      <summary class="question">
        Do you offer any additional services, such as digital marketing,
        SEO, or social media management, to help promote the website?
      <p class="answer">
        <b>Absolutely! Beyond website development,</b> Cresteem offers
        an array of comprehensive services. Our immersive... <!-- reduced for brevity --> 
<!-- FAQ-N of count can be added-->

Output of a Instance

<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "",
  "@type": "FAQPage",
  "mainEntity": [
      "@type": "Question",
      "name": "Can you provide a content management system (CMS) that allows me to update the website easily?",
      "acceptedAnswer": {
        "@type": "Answer",
        "text": "Certainly! We take pride in crafting custom Content Management Systems (CMS) tailored exclusively to your requirements...." <!-- reduced for brevity -->
      "@type": "Question",
      "name": "Do you offer any additional services, such as digital marketing, SEO, or social media management, to help promote the website?",
      "acceptedAnswer": {
        "@type": "Answer",
        "text": "Absolutely! Beyond website development, Cresteem offers an array of comprehensive services. Our immersive digital marketing strategies are... <!-- reduced for brevity -->"

Let's see what's next!