Richie JS version 1.1.4 🚀

🤖 Intellisense Support for Configuration

What is Intellisense?

IntelliSense is a code-completion aid that provides intelligent code suggestions as you type. Also it includes features such as:

  • Autocomplete: Suggestions for variables.
  • Parameter Info: Information about parameters.
  • Quick Info: Tooltips with documentation for the code under the cursor.
  • Option Lists: List of options available for configuration key.
  • Error Highlighting: Real-time detection and highlighting of syntax and semantic errors.

IntelliSense improves configuration efficiency and reduces errors by offering context-aware suggestions and documentation.

How to enable intellisense?

We can configure Richie JS with intellisense support by making schema and configure VS Code by single command. To do so there are two method available. ⚠️ Both are only for VS Code

System User wide support

npx rjs isense user

Project wide support

npx rjs isense ws

Let's see how to work with API & CLI

  • Intellisense
  • Richie JS
  • Configuration
  • Productivity
  • Intelligent Code Suggestions
  • Autocomplete
  • Error Highlighting
  • VS Code
  • Efficient Coding
  • Error-free