Richie JS version 1.1.4 🚀
Recipe & Carousel

Recipe & Carousel (Recipe, ItemList)

What is recipe rich result?

Enhance the visibility of your recipes on Google by using structured data. Providing details like ratings, cooking times, and nutrition information helps Google understand and showcase your recipes effectively in search results and images.

Kindly Refer Google Doc (opens in a new tab) to know more about recipe rich result.

What are necessary data for recipe rich result?

1. Name

<div id="rjs-recipe-1">
  <!-- name of recipe -->
  <p class="rjs-recipe-1-name">Biryani</p>

2. URL

<div id="rjs-recipe-1">

3. Thumbnail

<!-- image thumbanails -->
<img class="rjs-recipe-1-img" src="" />
<img class="rjs-recipe-1-img" src="" />

4. Author

<p class="rjs-recipe-1-aname">Darsan</p>

5. Date published

<p class="rjs-recipe-1-pdt">2023-01-12</p>

6. Description

<p class="rjs-recipe-1-desc">
Biryani is a flavorful and aromatic rice ..... <!-- shortened for brevity -->

7. Recipe cuisine

<p class="rjs-recipe-1-csnt">Indian</p>

8. Preparation time

<!-- ptm - means minutes-->
<p class="rjs-recipe-1-ptm">25 minutes</p> <!-- OR -->
<!-- pth - means hours-->
<p class="rjs-recipe-1-pth">1 hours</p> <!-- OR -->
<!-- pthm - hours and minutes -->
<p class="rjs-recipe-1-pthm">2 hours 15 minutes</p>

9. Cooking time

<!-- ctm - means minutes-->
<p class="rjs-recipe-1-ctm">25 minutes</p> <!-- OR -->
<!-- cth - means hours-->
<p class="rjs-recipe-1-cth">1 hours</p> <!-- OR -->
<!-- cthm - hours and minutes -->
<p class="rjs-recipe-1-cthm">2 hours 15 minutes</p>

10. Keywords

<ul class="rjs-recipe-1-kw">
  <li>Biryani recipe</li>
  <li>Homemade biryani</li>
  <li>Indian biryani</li>
  <li>Chicken biryani</li>
  <li>Spicy biryani</li>
  <li>Easy biryani recipe</li>
  <li>Delicious biryani</li>
  <li>Traditional biryani dish</li>

11. Number of Servings

<p class="rjs-recipe-1-serves">2</p>

12. Recipe category

<p class="rjs-recipe-1-cat">Breakfast</p>

13. Calories

<div class="rjs-recipe-1-nutrition">
	<p class="cal">150</p>

14. Aggregated rating

<div class="rjs-recipe-1-aggrate">
  <!-- max rate -->
  <p class="mr">5</p>
  <!-- rated value-->
  <p class="arv">4.5</p>
  <!-- number of ratings -->
  <p class="rc">500</p>

15 Ingredients

<ul class="rjs-recipe-1-ingredient">
  <li>Basmati Rice - 2 cups</li>
  <li>Meat or Vegetables - 500 grams</li>
  <li>Aromatic Spices</li>
  <li>Yogurt - 1/2 cup</li>
  <li>Saffron - A pinch</li>
  <li>Rose Water - 1 tablespoon</li>

16. Instructions

Each step instance <div> mush have id for making deeplink / internal link. like line 4 and 18 in below.
<div class="rjs-recipe-1-instructions">
	<!-- steps instance 1-->
	<div class="step" id="step1">
		<p class="short">Prepare the Rice:</p>
		<img class="simg" src="" />
		<p class="long">
		Rinse 2 cups of basmati rice under cold water until.. <!-- shortened for brevity -->
	<!-- steps instance 2-->
	<div class="step" id="step2">
		<p class="short">Prepare the Meat or Vegetables:</p>
		<img class="simg" src="" />
		<p class="long">
		Marinate 500 grams of meat... <!-- shortened for brevity -->
  <!-- add number of step instance as you need -->
</div><!-- INSTRUCTIONS OVER -->

17. Video

Use Youtube Embed Video
<iframe class="rjs-recipe-1-vframe" width="560" height="315"
title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0"
allow="accelerometer; autoplay;"
referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Function and parameters

By default input file is overwriiten with result so destination is optional
This is only for API method. We prefer CLI method for keeping it simpler (refer - Working with API & CLI).
const richResultType = 'recipe';
const filePath = 'recipe.html';
const destination = 'dist/recipe.html'; /* optional */
richie(richResultType, filePath, destination);

Example of a Instance

  <div id="rjs-recipe-1">
  	<!-- name of recipe -->
  	<p class="rjs-recipe-1-name">Biryani</p>
  	<!-- image thumbanails -->
  	<img class="rjs-recipe-1-img" src="" />
  	<img class="rjs-recipe-1-img" src="" />
  	<!--author name -->
  	<p class="rjs-recipe-1-aname">Darsan</p>
  	<!-- published date -->
  	<p class="rjs-recipe-1-pdt">2023-01-12</p>
  	<!-- description -->
  	<p class="rjs-recipe-1-desc">
  	Biryani is a flavorful and aromatic.. <!-- shortened for brevity -->
  	<!-- ptm - means minutes-->
  	<!-- pth - means hours-->
  	<!-- pthm - hours and minutes (hours should be first ex: 2 Hours and 10 minutes)-->
  	<p class="rjs-recipe-1-ptm">25 minutes</p>
  	<!-- <p class="rjs-recipe-1-pth">1 Hours</p> -->
  	<!-- <p class="rjs-recipe-1-pthm">1 Hours and 25 minutes</p> -->
  	<!-- ctm - means minutes-->
  	<!-- cth - means hours-->
  	<!-- cthm - hours and minutes (hours should be first ex: 2 Hours and 10 minutes)-->
  	<p class="rjs-recipe-1-ctm">20 minutes</p>
  	<!-- <p class="rjs-recipe-1-cth">2 Hours</p>
  	<p class="rjs-recipe-1-cthm">1 Hours and 10 minutes</p> -->
  	<!-- serving counts (yield)-->
  	<p class="rjs-recipe-1-serves">4</p>
  	<!-- category -->
  	<p class="rjs-recipe-1-cat">Rich Dishes</p>
  	<!-- cuisine -->
  	<p class="rjs-recipe-1-csnt">Indian</p>
  	<!-- nutrition informations -->
  	<div class="rjs-recipe-1-nutrition">
  		<!-- calories -->
  		<p class="cal">300</p>
  	<!--  ingredients -->
  	<ul class="rjs-recipe-1-ingredient">
  		<li>Basmati Rice - 2 cups</li>
  		<li>Meat (chicken, lamb, or beef) or Vegetables - 500 grams</li>
  		<li> Aromatic Spices </li>
  		<li>Yogurt - 1/2 cup</li>
  		<li>Saffron - A pinch (soaked in 2 tablespoons of warm milk)</li>
  		<li>Rose Water - 1 tablespoon</li>
  	<!-- instructions -->
  	<div class="rjs-recipe-1-instructions">
  		<!-- steps instance 1-->
  		<div class="step" id="step1">
  			<p class="short">Prepare the Rice:</p>
  			<img class="simg" src="" />
  			<p class="long">
  			Rinse 2 cups of basmati rice under cold water until.. <!-- shortened for brevity -->
  		<!-- steps instance 2-->
  		<div class="step" id="step2">
  			<p class="short">Prepare the Meat or Vegetables:</p>
  			<img class="simg" src="" />
  			<p class="long">
  			Marinate 500 grams of meat... <!-- shortened for brevity -->
  	</div><!-- INSTRUCTIONS OVER -->
  	<!-- aggregate rating -->
  	<div class="rjs-recipe-1-aggrate">
  		<!-- max rate -->
  		<p class="mr">100</p>
  		<!-- rated value-->
  		<p class="arv">99</p>
  		<!-- number of ratings -->
  		<p class="rc">1200</p>
  	<!--embedded youtube video -->
  	<iframe class="rjs-recipe-1-vframe" width="560" height="315"
  	title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0"
  	allow="accelerometer; autoplay;"
  	<!-- keywords -->
  	<ul class="rjs-recipe-1-kw">
  		<li>Biryani recipe</li>
  		<li>Authentic biryani</li>
  		<li>Homemade biryani</li>

Output of a Instance

<script type="application/ld+json">
    "@context": "",
    "@type": "Recipe",
    "name": "Biryani",
    "url": "",
    "image": [
    "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Darsan" },
    "datePublished": "2023-01-12",
    "description": "Biryani is a flavorful and aromatic rice.....",
    "recipeCuisine": "Indian",
    "prepTime": "PT25M",
    "cookTime": "PT20M",
    "totalTime": "PT45M",
    "keywords": "Biryani recipe, Authentic biryani, Homemade biryani, Indian biryani .. ",
    "recipeYield": "4 servings",
    "recipeCategory": "Rich Dishes",
    "nutrition": {
      "@type": "NutritionInformation",
      "calories": "300 calories"
    "aggregateRating": {
      "@type": "AggregateRating",
      "ratingValue": 99,
      "bestRating": 100,
      "ratingCount": 1200
    "recipeIngredient": [
      "Basmati Rice - 2 cups",
      "Meat (chicken, lamb, or beef) or Vegetables - 500 grams",
      "Aromatic Spices",
      "Yogurt - 1/2 cup",
      "Saffron - A pinch (soaked in 2 tablespoons of warm milk)",
      "Rose Water - 1 tablespoon"
    "recipeInstructions": [
        "@type": "HowToStep",
        "name": "Prepare the Rice:",
        "text": "Rinse 2 cups of basmati rice under cold water....",
        "url": "",
        "image": ""
        "@type": "HowToStep",
        "name": "Prepare the Meat or Vegetables:",
        "text": "Marinate 500 grams of meat...",
        "url": "",
        "image": ""
      <!-- reduced for brevity -->
    "video": {
      "@type": "VideoObject",
      "description": "Simple Chicken Biryani for Beginners | Chicken Biryani Recipe for Bachelors | Simple Chicken Biryani for Bachelors | Chicken Biryani with Biryani Masala | Ch...",
      "thumbnailUrl": "",
      "contentUrl": "",
      "embedUrl": "",
      "uploadDate": "2020-05-15T22:30:00-07:00",
      "duration": "PT5M9S",
      "interactionStatistic": {
        "@type": "InteractionCounter",
        "interactionType": { "@type": "WatchAction" },
        "userInteractionCount": 34358614
      "expires": "3020-05-16T11:00:00+05:30"

Let's see what's next!